MWM Picture Book

Submitted by Karsten on Sun, 09/24/2017 - 22:49

MAD WORLD MOVIE - The Picture Book 

Anna Ajtner (Photography)  and Karsten Wolff (Editor) 

MAD WORLD MOVIE  started with just one photograph. In summer 2016 we had recorded the song „Mad World“ with The Rosinenbomber. Looking for a cover photo for the CD, I came across that  black & white photograph from Anna Ajtner showing her daughter Sandra wearing those old fashioned Halcyon (TM) goggles. It fit very well to  the retro sound of the band and that particular song.

Welcome online


June: Celebrating five years of productions with Sandra Ajtner, we did a remake of "Mad World" with Sandra (vocals) and Karsten (grand piano) at Yakub Records (Bydgoszcz, Poland) with sound engineer Jakub Pacanowski.

RB Casual Clothing


RB Casual Clothing are high quality products great for sports, recreation and at home.  We want more people to be enjoy RB Casual Clothing, so we asked Anna Ajtner for a photo session with two young Twens, Lea & Baran. Make-up by Ewelina Marciniak.   

You can now order at our WebShop!


Submitted by Karsten on Wed, 08/01/2018 - 20:55

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The Rosinenbomber


Featured vocalists: 

Sandra Ajtner 

Mennana Ennaoui

Hans Jürgen (Hansi) Meier   


Karsten Wolff


Georg Bicher 

Wolfgang Brammertz 


Brad Irvin 

Wolfgang Brammertz 


Peter (Backi) Backhausen