Submitted by Karsten on Thu, 05/17/2018 - 21:26

S U M M E R  S A L E  2018 


RB Slub Shirts only 9,95 €  (instead of regular price: 14,95 €)

(100 % organic cotton, comfortable stretch-style)

male, female & kids / colors: pure white, navy blue, black 

RB Exact Shirts only 9,95 € (instead of regular price 14,95 €)

(100 % cotton, very good quality and fit)  

male, female & kids / colors:  black, white, light grey, dark grey, ocean blue, navy blue, lime green, pink, orange, red   

Lea Baran
RBShirts are great fun because they feel good and fit! 
Photo: Anna Ajtner / Ajtner Fine Arts Gallery (NL) 

SUMMER SALE: All RB Shirts for kids only 4,99 € (instead of regular price 9,95 €) !! 

RBExactShirt Kids (available in navy blue/lime/black/white/oranje/red/purple) only 4,99 € !! 
Photo: Rosinenbomber Publishing 2018 
Polska 2
NEW: RbShirts #Polska (100 % cotton; male/female) only 9,95 € 
RB Shirt
NEW: RbShirt #Backstage  (white on black)  only 9,95 € 
Photos (3): Rosinenbomber Publishing 2018



The Rosinenbomber / Rosinenbomber Publishing 

Write an e-mail via "contact" at the bottom and tell us the size and color you wish to order. Thank you for connecting with us! 

Pay at Paypal here: PayPal.Me/KWolff617